What types of property are for sale in Benitachell?
Property for sale in Benitachell ranges from apartments, traditional townhouses and some villas built on their own plot of land.
Depending on how many bedrooms or communal facilities an apartment has, will obviously affect the selling price. However, you tend to get more property for your money’s worth in Benitachell.
Obviously other factors will be considered when pricing a property for the market; such has age of the property, presentation and care, orientation and view.
But to give you an idea, a 2 bedroom apartment can be bought in the region of 100.000 euros and a 3 bedroom villa for 300.000 euros upwards.
Modern villas and luxury apartments, located in Cumbre del Sol in Benitachell, can have price tags starting at 600.000 euros.
Highlights of Benitachell
Poble Nou de Benitachell is a small village, located between the bigger coastal towns, Javea and Moraira.
Very few shops are scattered within the main street and a small vegetable market is held on Wednesday’s.
Although a small village, it encompasses a large area, Cumbre del Sol has fabulous sea views.
Most other residential areas of Benitachell have country views.
Areas in the Town of Benitachell
There are 4 property for sale in Benitachell. The areas you see below have bigger text if they have more properties available! Try clicking on one of them to get more information and see properties for sale.
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Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.
Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.
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